Week 9: The Earth Is the Lord’s


Science: Weathering Experiment

In science this week, our students did a fun experiment shaking sugar cubes to mimic what weathering does to the Earth.

Bible: The Earth is the Lord’s

To start their day, our students spend time together learning about Truth. Our K- to 5th-grade classes learned about the similarities between diamonds — one of the Earth’s strongest substances — and God’s strength (2 Corinthians 4:7-9). The middle school students took time to pray for each other, entrusting their needs to the Lord, who created the earth and everything in it. (Psalm 24:1)

Get to Know Us:

Learnwell Teachers & Staff

Not long ago, we started a Get to Know Us series with our email subscribers who are not (yet) enrolled with Learnwell. We thought you might be interested to follow along!

So far for this series, we have interviewed Dr. Melissa Shipman, our principal; and Mrs. Jenny Nichols, our kindergarten and first-grade teacher. Enjoy learning about them below.

Dr. Melissa Shipman

Recently, Dr. Melissa Shipman shared about her family and some of her favorite thingsĀ here.

Mrs. Jenny Nichols

This week’s email subscribers will get to learn about Mrs. Jenny Nichols. You get a sneak peek here.