Week 13: Fun and Games

This week as we roamed the hallways…

Chatting and Engagement

We observed lots of fun, laughter, and engaged students. That is a huge “win” for the week before Thanksgiving Break! Parents, pat yourselves on the back; your students are enjoying the learning process and weathering with grace any bumps along the way.

Advent Devotionals Begin!

Starting Thurs., Nov. 18, each class is taking turns leading an Advent devotional. First up? Middle school. They did a wonderful job sharing the meaning of Advent and leading a craft for the elementary school students; you can watch the video here. After Thanksgiving Break, our aim is to post a class or two each week (until Christmas Break) so that we can share together the true meaning of Christmas.

Thanksgiving Feast

Our hearts and bellies were full because of the wonderful feast to which you contributed; thank you!

This Thanksgiving, may you enjoy smiles, laughter, and memory-making around the table. Have a wonderful break!